CAMBIO Avocat accompanies you throughout the tax audit.
Depending on your needs, CAMBIO Avocat can:
CAMBIO Avocat can:
CAMBIO Avocat assists you in discussions and negotiations with the various French tax authorities, such as the Chief tax officer, the Departmental tax officer, the Departmental Commission for direct taxes and turnover taxes.
CAMBIO Avocat assists you in implementing Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) to eliminate double taxation with the competent authorities.
My assistance with your tax audit is invoiced on a time-spent basis, according to an hourly rate that I communicate to you in advance.
For each type of task (preparing answers to the auditor's questions, drafting arguments in response to a proposed reassessment, preparing for the interview with the Chief tax officer in the event of a hierarchical appeal, etc.), I provide you with an estimate of the fees to be expected. My fees are then adjusted according to the time actually spent.
Frequently asked questions
The specific feature of a transfer pricing adjustment is the application of a withholding tax, in addition to the additional corporation tax payable except in the case of a loss-making situation. This withholding tax is applied because of the very nature of the adjustment, which is considered to be a deemed distribution falling within the category of dividends under most tax treaties.
There are also indirect consequences, in terms of CVAE, the calculation of employee profit-sharing and the customs value in the event of a transfer price adjustment.
There are two procedures for eliminating double taxation resulting from a transfer pricing adjustment: